
We engage with children and facilitate their education and learning as we believe in Dr B R Ambedkar’s philosophy of education being a way to attain dignity, progress, independence, raise consciousness, and fight oppression. We facilitate the women and parents to enrol in government provided hostel facilities, work with the parents to prevent children from dropping-out of school. We are trying to initiate a learning centre for children who go to government school to be able to explore their full potential and grow to be critical thinkers. We encourage children to use art to explore themselves and learn about their surroundings and society. We also celebrate days of national importance with children to promote constitutional values and communal harmony. 

Although government schools are functioning in the areas where we work, we have witnessed several gaps and concerns that come in the way of receiving quality education and children being able to attain their full potential. Most of the children are first generation school goers from poor families (below poverty line) thus not having enough learning support at home. Several children drop out of school, or have prolonged absence/ are irregular to classes due to these issues and their social circumstances. We have also seen a growing issue of drug abuse among children – cigarettes, beedis, over the counter drugs etc which the women in the communities and schools wish to address. Hence we work both within communities and with the government schools to improve access to good quality education. 

Please reach out to us if you would like to fund our learning centre or contribute to our campaign here:
